The quotes at the bottom of the page are randomly drawn from a curated selection of over 1,000 of my Discord messages. By repeatedly refreshing the page, you can simulate having a conversation with me (one where I am disproportionately full of funny nonsequiturs and nothing you say matters.)
If you want to put something like this on your own site, you can use this javascript code:
var quotes = new Array ("fill this with your text snippets","google javascript array generator to auto-format a bunch of lines of text");
var i = Math.floor(999*Math.random())
document.getElementById("snippet").innerHTML = (quotes[i]);
(replace "999" with however many things you put in the array)
Then put this HTML wherever you want on the website:
<button class="quoteGenerator"> <span id="snippet"> <script src="script.js"></script> </span> </button>
(If you inspect-element this site, you may notice that my code doesn't look exactly like this and is actually full of spans and classes with stupid names. This is because I am bad at code.)